Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ben Stein

We break faith with those who died for freedom when we give up free speech in science, value of life, etc

Rethinking the importance of creation and evolution

Evolution is a theory, yet if you question it in academia, it is like questioning Stalin in 1925.

What are the social and economic implications for society of darwinism? Man = mud. You can do with him or to him what you
The belief in creation says God created, so people have a spark of the divine within them - therefore, when you kill them you
are attacking God.


Oberon said... was made from the clay of the earth.....evolution is god's creation.....all things are of god's that so hard? is of understand science is to understand god......there is no conflict.

Anonymous said...

Hi Oberon

Expelled is coming out in April... very intellectually stimulating - would be worth a check....