Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Inspiration from Starbucks

Sitting in the airport, beginning the 5 hour wait till boarding...
So we're in Starbucks getting a coffee and they have all these quote on their cups. I really like this one from Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House of Representatives - it's worth blogging.

"On the battlefield of ideas, winning requires moving toward the sound of the guns."

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mark Mittleberg

We have a crisis of faith. It's not that people have faith - they have many faiths - but they don't know how to think about

How people process and evaluate faiths determines how they choose.

6 Faith Paths
1. Relativistic faith path
Where most people are.
Something becomes true because they believe it. ..... So at the same time, God does exist for a Christian yet doesn't exist
because of an athiest?

However, truth is simply what is.
The key to life is to discover what is true and then to adjust your life accordingly.

2. The traditional path
I have always believed this - a hand me down faith

3. Authoritative path
You better believe this.
Authorities are only as good as their credentials

4. The intuitive faith path
I can just feel it....

5. The mystic faith path
"God told me" what is true

6. The evidentiary faith path
Is there evidence to this system of thought being correct?

Ben Stein

We break faith with those who died for freedom when we give up free speech in science, value of life, etc

Rethinking the importance of creation and evolution

Evolution is a theory, yet if you question it in academia, it is like questioning Stalin in 1925.

What are the social and economic implications for society of darwinism? Man = mud. You can do with him or to him what you
The belief in creation says God created, so people have a spark of the divine within them - therefore, when you kill them you
are attacking God.

Bill Butterworth

Rethinking balance

The first key to being an effective leader is being not dead!
Avoid burnout.

Who would applaud someone who only ran 3/4 of their race?

3 aspects:
Attention (tasks)
Connection (relationships)
Reflection (how was today?)

George Barna

Rethinking why we become who we become

You can only make a genuine difference when you help transform a life.

America is culturally crippled by an addiction we deny having. Media exposure has become America's most widespread and
serious addiction today. Of the most dominant influencers in the USA today, 5 of the 7 are media.

: they change our brain function
: they cause withdrawal symptoms
: we lose control of how much exposure we have
: we have a desire to reduce it but we are unable to
: it causes us to abandon or reduce our involvement in normal, heathy social activities
: the denial of an addiction

4 things
1. Recognise you cannot fix a problem that is not on the radar
2. Ask - What is our view about media?
3. Address the issue of parental responsibility
4. Can we raise up a new class of missionaries to the media world?

Ben Vereen

Rosa Parks - because she sat down, a nation stood up.

Dr Ben Carson

Rethinking risk
The vast majority of people do not achieve a lot because they are afraid of risk.
Others do not achieve much because they take an inordinate amount of risks without analysing them.

Historically, pinnacle nations become enamoured with sports, entertainment, celebrity, lose their moral compass and then fall in power.

Rethink our passivity
We have as much, or more, evidence for God than those who try to extract God from public life.

For a country to remain great
T.H.I.N.K. B.I.G.
Talent (intellectual)

Indepth learning - to understand

It really doesn't matter where you are, it's where you are going that counts. You get there by aligning yourself with God.

Google Carsons Scholar Fund

Erwin McManus

The weaving together of tragedy and beauty.

Humans are meaning machines - we add meaning to everything.

Sometimes we make the meaningless meaningful - superstition

Sometimes we make the meaningful meaningless.

Sometimes we can't make sense of the mess, and we must simply know that there is a master artist at work.

Lee Strobel

Rethinking the evangelism effort of the American church

It requires 2 things: truth and experience

1. Truth
Spreading the gospel must always be grounded in the absolute truth of the christian message.

We have a defensible faith.
We have an unfair advantage in the marketplace of ideas - we have truth on our side.

Debate has a place but mostly dialogue is more effective than debate.
We do not begin dialogue by assuming the equality of all truth claims, but by the equality of all persons.

How do we facilitate this? Seeker small groups and using stories.

2. We must usher people into an experience with God.
Blaise Pascal - the night of fire.

There must be a connection between truth and experience.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Rupert Murdoch

His two most important qualities which have contributed to his success-
: Persistence
: Curiousity

Why they bought Myspace -
: to lead through it
: to help people express themselves
: to learn from it

In response to a question regarding the future of newspapers, Murdoch said they may not exist on paper but will exist as journalistic enterprise to deliver news: "If you have done your job right, people will come to you because they rely on you".

Encourage innovation

Larry King

Engaging with people
How do you ask a great question?
1. Be curious
2. Leave yourself out of the question
3. If you start with 'why' it can't be answered in one word.
4. Listen, listen, listen

Jason Illian (God tube)

Tradigital thinking - endless interconnections between things that are seemingly unrelated

It's no longer about getting people's time or attention - it's about getting people's hearts.

Tomorrows leaders will be meaning makers.
People are tired of chasing cool.

Don't chase cool - infuse meaning.
This generation is willing to leave their job, parents, country to find meaning.

How do we infuse meaning? Reinvent FIRE
Imaginations that

We must push responsibility to those on the outer edges.
Break habitual cycles - do something creative

The power of inconsistency!
If inconsistent- can't be predicted
If unpredictable- can't be duplicated
If can't be duplicated-it is valuable
Jesus was inconsistent.

Phil Cooke

Rethinking media

It's all about influence and how we use media to impact culture.
Why branding?
1. Perception matters: if you don't control your perception in the community, you will be at the mercy of others who will
2. Choice : so many options

Branding is the compelling story surrounding you and your organisation. In a media rich world, we need an easy handle.

1. Visibility is as important as ability : visibility=voice
2. You can't brand a lie- we need to live more transparent lives than ever
3. Being different is everything

Questions to ask when working out branding
1. What's the point? Why do you do this?
2. Who are you?
3. Skills/ talents
4. What makes you different?

What can we do right now?
1. Understand the power of a name - your name matters
2. Put a lot of effort into logo and look - design matters
3. Be careful with humour
4. What is the overarching theme of your life and ministry?

Dr Stephen Post

Giving creates a sense of abundance in your own heart.
If you want to get somewhere, hostility won't get you there.

High hostility - 20% death rate over 20 years
Low hostility - 2% death rate

When evil men plot, good men must plan - Martin Luther King Jnr

Dr John Townsend

Rethinking love

To the extent that we love is the extent to which we will bear good fruit as a leader

3 aspects of love as a leader
1.You must love what you do - enough to inspire others
2. Love people outside of their work
3. Love people enough to push them

Nancy Ortberg

1. The most difficult person to lead is yourself
Figure out how you connect deeply to God.
Jesus didn't journal :)
What restores the wonder of God in you?

2. Vision is created by the stories ee tell and the heroes we create.

3. Defining God moments are only as significant as the lifestyle they produce. Get it into the rhythm of your life.

4. Teamwork is a strategy not a slogan.
Our job is not to get involved in artificial harmony but to debate and make decisions

5. Stop being surprised that leadership is difficult.
Max Dupree - leaders are only right 50% of the time - this allows resilience...

Kay Warren

Rethinking discipleship

Deny yourself, take up your cross, follow me.

1. Surrendered
Learn to say yes to God in every area of your life
Why don't we? We are scared and we are selfish

2. Disturbed
We must be willing to die

3. Ruined
Be gloriously ruined for something that lasts

How will people know God is with them if we are not with them?

John Ortberg

What is God's big calling on your life?
How big is your God?

How we live is determined by the size you perceive God to be.
When we shrink God we offer
: prayer without faith
: worship without awe
: suffering without joy
: service without hope

Gideon looked at himself in a way that rationalised his passivity and say no to the big call.

What is unthinkable on my own is unstoppable with God.

God will be, this day, as big a presence in your life as you allow Him to be.

Dr Henry Cloud

Rethinking integrity

Integrity is not just the policeman against bad things happening- it is to be an integrated whole.

When a leader hits a wall, it is often because there is something not whole

Miles McPherson

Rethink the starting point of evangelism...
Don't go to tell - go to listen.

Learn to listen to the cries of those around you.

Robert A Schuller

The only way you can walk through life successfully is to walk in your own shoes.

1. Don't go to work and do a job: go to your destiny and fulfil your calling.
2. If you've got the faith, God has the power
3. God is answering your prayers

Friday, January 18, 2008

Donna Schuller

You must rethink who you are daily, reframing yourself according to Christ.

Replace wrong thoughts with God's thoughts and words.

Jesus was the ultimate reframer.

Gary Smalley

If you want good relationships, rethink trying to change your spouse or friend or colleague.
Change yourself

The things that control you are your beliefs.

The more I memorise and meditate on God's word, I hide it in my heart. The more I do that, the more His word becomes my beliefs and then He controls me!

Bill Dallas

Rethinking failure

We make mistakes
God allows consequences
God redeems - our soul and our failures

Ps 138:7 and 8

Lou Holtz

If you want some great advice, listen to your spouse.

If you didn't go home, who would miss you?
If you didn't go to work, who would miss you?
It's all about meaningful relationships.

3 simple rules
1. Do right
2. Do everything to the best of your ability
3. Show people you care

Jon Gordon

Rethinking purpose

People are most energised when they are using their strengths for a bigger purpose.
Purpose is the ultimate fuel for an energised life.
Negativity brings inefficiency.
We have a choice between 2 roads - positive or negative.

Filled with divine (enthusiastic) and filled with purpose.

Bring purpose to what you do everyday

Dr Les Parrott

Rethinking healthy relationships

Your relationship university was the family you grew up in.

This generation has a hunger and thirst for information on healthy relationships.

If you try to build intimacy with another person, before you do the hard work of getting whole yourself, all your relationships become an attempt to complete yourself and will fall flat.

Your relationships can only be as healthy as the least healthy person in them.

How do you be healthy?
Lock in the following.....
1. Profound significance - understand your profound significance to God and His deep love for you
2. Unswerving authenticity - your relationship with you (not pleasing others)
3. Self-giving love - recognising other's needs. Walking the extra mile.

Your internal dialogue is the most significant conversation yo have. 73% of your self-talk is negative.

Tim Clinton

2 Cor 11:1-3
Trading our freedom - losing our heart with God and life

How do good people lose heart?
They are assaulted by pain. This makes them feel angry or anxious. If they can't solve their pain then they feel alienated or arrogant. This leads to adulteries of the heart to calm or soothe their heart. This leads to addiction where I am dependant on this.

1 John 5:21
Idols - when we give ourselves to something else to calm or soothe ourselves
Gal 5:1

Mark Kvamme rethink tank

Simplicity of message.

A good website listens carefully to people.
Iterate always - significant change every 2 weeks.

We addresses should have around 6 letters or 2 syllables and be spelt like they sound eg yahoo, google, amazon

We are moving from the information age to the attention age. How do we get people's attention?

What does this technology overload mean for preachers - the power of communication in person, real life connection and telling stories.

Michael Guillen

How do I label the person I have become? 'Christian' used to hold a cherished place in America. 84% of Americans identify as Christian. Who keeps the abortion clinics busy? Who are the ads celebrating consumerism aimed at?

The spiritual me generation is saying all roads lead to a god of my own making.

Christian? Religious? Spiritual?.... Lovestruck.

NB this is strongly contextual to USA

Chris Seay part 2

Prophetic acts happen when we live into the story. The Bible is our story.

The Advent Conspiracy
What does it mean to be a global christian?

Chris Seay

Prophetic communication is painting the world as it is, and as it should be

Dan Kimball

Are we so busy with religious activity that we are in a bubble of sub-culture?

Answer that by asking - Who are you praying for right now?

Mark Kvamme

Silicon Valley Executive - Sequioa Capital and start up investor in youtube, yahoo etc

60 seconds

The average website has 10 seconds to get your attention.
The next 10 seconds answering 'what is this'?
The next 10 seconds answering 'can I navigate this?'

If people spend 3 minutes on your website, it's great!

In 60 seconds you can
: read 250-300 words
: type 33 words
: write 22 words

Everything is going digital and getting shorter.
Once it goes digital, it never disappears.

Communication is now becoming asynchronous. Technology was created to bring those who were far away closer. Now it is starting to move those who are closer further away.
"We will soon reminisce about evenings as a family gathered around the TV" Michael Moritz

Where to look in the future? The iphone. If it's not in my phone,does it exist?

Rethink how do I reach people who are bombarded by media?

HB London Jnr

We need to rethink how we live and what our motivations are.

Be an example

Give God the first-fruits of your time
Have healthy relationships
Get adequate rest (or you make poor decisions).
Be in a supportive relationship (accountability)
Like what you do
Be happy
Be vigilant

Bishop Charles Blake

Currently sponsoring 100,000 African orphans.

What go you here, will not get you there.

We live on a planet with great problems. We need great dreams and great faith.

Great dreams mandate great resources. Unless your dream requires a miracle, He will reduce your resources until He gets the glory of a miracle.

Charles Colson - my favourite so far!!

What is Christianity?
A view of total ultimate reality.
All of life is under the sovereign creator God.
Get away from 'God and me'

Christians need to
: understand the basic truths of Christianity
: defend the truths
: live out the truths
: explain these truths lovingly to others

It must affect the way you live.

First impressions

Faith built this place. This campus is incredible and the ladies bathroom is sensational! (They were made possible by an anonymous cash donation from someone who wanted the women of the church to know they were valued.)

Everywhere there are small written testimonies of people who have helped build this facility. One showed a lady who first got saved when she was 6, and came to one of the early services Dr Schuller ran at a drive-in movie theatre. Many years later,she gave the first $1,000,000 gift to build the welcome and hospitality centre.

It is inspiring. Faith and possibility thinking.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Christian Cultural Centre

A great church in Brooklyn - mainly an African American congregation of around 28000.
We attended the 10:30am service (although it started around 11).

Couple of observations:
1. Ushers are SO important! Having no idea what the culture is here, or where to go, and feeling a little overwhelmed having lined up and joining thousands of people coming in, it was so great having competent and helpful ushers. Those who took the initiative to notice we looked a bit lost, and help us out, were a real blessing.

2. Baby Dedications. I loved the way they did this. All the families, relatives and godparents (who had been prayerfully chosen) came up on stage. Elders and pastors all came and prayed for each family, even though the Senior Pastor lead this section. What I really loved was the way the parents all repeated (like wedding vows) a really meaningful vow of dedication of their children. Then, the families and whole congregation repeated a vow as well, relating to how they would pray for the child and care for the family.

3. Change is lead well. This was the last time baby dedications would be done in a Sunday service and this was announced while we were there. Dr Bernard had been doing a series on change, as well as obviously teaching the importance of change over years I would say. The pastor who made this announcement did in such a positive way, and reminded everyone of what Dr Bernard has always taught them. The dedications will now happen on a Saturday afternoon once a month and in a smaller venue and would be done in such a way as to make it special for the families - gifts, video of the service, worship etc. You could tell in the way this was announced, and in the way people responded that this is a church that is lead well.

4. Dr Bernard's 5 levels of renewal:
Personal renewal
Relational renewal
Renewal of purpose
Structural renewal
Cultural renewal


I will be keeping a record here of some thoughts while attending Rethink...