Monday, May 08, 2006

When pressing the print button just doesn't do it for you!

I am currently sitting at my desk, with cold toes - hang on -

ok - now wearing my lime green ballet slippers which I bought with Steff and Laura on Saturday (ask them about their big day out) so toes are now warm and toasty -

so - I am sitting at my desk and have been researching for an assignment due at the end of this week so now have 35 different journal articles to print out and read.

It's very boring printing 35 articles. Ahh - the research process...

Why am I printing them all out? I find it easier to print out articles and read them through so I can underline, scribble etc rather than just read them on a screen. Maybe that doesn't make me a true new tchnology girl - I'm not sure?

Anyway - will blog about other random things in another post I think...

1 comment:

Steffany said...

I think it's more funny that you had a typo on the word technology. Made me giggle. On the inside.