Monday, May 08, 2006


Today I realised again and again that Melody is getting SO pregnant and very fat - only 3 weeks to go until she has puppies!

Today I ate a lot of Steve's Easter Bunny. There's not much left of it.

Today I went back to the gym after last week's full diaryness (good thing after all that chocolate Easter Bunny too)

Today I realised I have an assignment due Sunday - not in two weeks time as I thought. Hence the research occuring tonight, but exceedingly thankful that this can be electronically lodged which meant I didn't have to post it Friday. Praise God.

Today I rang to confirm my admission to hospital next Friday to have my wisdom teeth removed.

Today I kept thinking about the beautiful food I ate last night - Pizza Capers does pizza VERY well!

Today I am thankful - because God is so good and His mercy endures forever

1 comment:

kathryn said...

Wise choice on the decision to go to a hospital to get your teeth removed. From experience I can tell you that it is not fun to sit in a chair, awake, completely aware of everything while someone takes your teeth away. Be sure to say 'yes' to every form of medication and numbing option they throw at you! Be brave Ruth!