Thursday, February 23, 2006

***Free write warning***

Well I have been pondering quite a bit lately. I'm not exactly sure why. It tends to happen when I have been watching too many episodes of Prison Break before I go to bed and then I am too wound up to get to sleep so I end up laying in bed awake - which allows for ample pondering time. Should I be praying instead? Hm, maybe in some ways I am - I think God likes us to reflect but of course we do need to be careful that we do not become self-oriented in our pondering.

I think that's why sometimes the intellectuals of the world can become sad people - because their mental faculties are consumed with themselves and they do not renew their mind. That is a verse I really love - do not be conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind....

It's amazing how much the way we think affects who we are. What are the patterns of the world that try to conform us into their way of thinking? There are many and I think different people more easily follow different patterns according to their personality and character.

It's quite a discipline to keep your mind being renewed. That's part of having a 24/7 faith (which we were talking about at my homegroup tonight).

There are so many elements to that - intellectually, emotionally, physically - our spirituality is an holistic thing.

Enough for tonight.

I love Fusion. It is great. It is rubber meets the road. I love amazing young men and women who are ready to find their place and change their world.

Really, enough for tonight.


Sarah Starrenburg said...

You know, I almost suggested on thursday night when we were discussing what to make our 'homework' to take notice over the two weeks of what you think about the most.

It's so true - our thought life is so crucial to our life as a whole.

Rohan said...

Ruth, have you considered the possibility that "prison break" provides a metaphor for your life?

You could be wrongly imprisoned by the wiles of television, and your conscience is hatching a brilliant plan to set you free from your incarceration.

Ruth said...

Perhaps Rohan you're right - or it could be that I am on the Threshold of being a Survivor of an Invasion, or that I am simply Lost.

btw Zab - nice verse!

Ruth said...

oh and Amanda - I have that copy if you want it!