Thursday, August 17, 2006


Today has been officially (in my head anyway) the first day of my holidays!
While my annual leave started Tuesday, I was busy working on uni assignments Monday - Wednesday so wasn't really in relax mode. However, I finished off the ones due while I am away next week so am now relaxing!

I took our last little puppy out to the airport this morning and said goodbye to her (which made me feel a bit sad) and then to console myself I went to DFO where I picked up a few bargains.... gotta love a bargain. I then proceeded to make good use of our new Foxtel connection for several hours this afternoon... ahhhhh.

LOVED NYU camp last weekend. It was such a great weekend in so many ways. There was a real feeling of unity between the two parts of NYU - encounter and fusion - and it was wonderful to see God move in the lives of people there in very significant and profound ways. Honestly - it's life changing stuff. There is something about getting away for a weekend and spending it building relationships - with each other and with God. Moments of focus are vital in life.

It was also great doing fun stuff with fusioners too - like roller blading and enjoying the spa! (Although I wasn't at the 2am spa trip - which sounded like heaps of fun!) I have only just recovered from roller blading - my legs hurt for days!

I also particularly liked my new experience of being an 18-25's leader, which meant staying at a nice resort instead of dorms! After 10 years on high school youth leadership it was a very different experience - and one I relished.

All in all, a fabulous time and I am already looking forward to next year!

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