Friday, March 10, 2006

My week

Had a great start to the week! My sister and I went to Melbourne for two nights and it was just the lovliest. If you know her, read her blog for a complete run down with photos! It's pretty impressive. Great blogging!

And after that lovely break, back to the real world. I have two messages to share in the next week - Wednesday and Friday - so I will be quite focused on that.

Just ordered my uni textbooks today after trying to find them second hand with no luck there, so will be getting all that underway. I am enjoying these two subjects - Leadership and Consumer Behaviour. Much more interesting than last semester's computers and economics!

I also start up at the gym again tomorrow as well so I am REALLY looking forward to that. I love feeling more fit than I currently feel. So that part of my life will start to feel a little more under control soon too.

I like to have a bit of order in my world as I don't enjoy the feeling of lots of things I need to do floating around my head (in a figurative sense of course).

Yet in the midst of this, I have this wonderful sense of goodness now and to come. God is doing great things and it is always good to lift our eyes and see the big picture rather than focus too much on the here and now to the detriment of anything else.

I lift my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from? It comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.

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