Saturday, March 29, 2008

Not really the answer.... but what is?

Euthanasia is back on the Australian political landscape.

I also spent a long time on the phone with a lady last week who has a chronic illness and was considering suicide.

Mix the latest news from Belgium - euthanasia for terminally ill children - in to the mix and we have a complicated, emotive situation.

From the linked article: In the words of the late Dutch euthanasia opponent Dr. Karl Gunning,'Once killing is seen as the answer to one problem, it soon becomes theanswer to 100.'

The problem with euthanasia being considered an answer is that it removes all incentive for better answers. Killing is cheaper than funding medical research into pain management, cures and certainly cheaper than palliative care.  But in a situation where parents will be able to have their sick children killed......... I do not think we are capable of understanding the complex emotional and mental consequences of such an action.

An 'answer' it is not.

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