Sunday, March 18, 2007

The greatest of these....

This last week has seen some interesting correspondence develop between myself and someone I met through my writing. This other person largely disagrees with pretty much everything I believe in. As I read some of the correspondence, which basically likened me to Hitler, and reflected on it, I found myself growing in compassion for the person who wrote it, which almost surprised me.

I feel like I am growing in grace - not as quickly as I would like sometimes but it's a start! I am aware of the logical inconsistencies in their correspondence, and the fact that they have misrepresented me, yet I have been able to let go of the emotions that generates more quickly than I thought. I feel for them, and wish they knew the unconditional love of Christ. And I am aware that they will only see it reflected in people like myself. There is a time for everything under the sun.... this is a time to love.

Faith, hope and love... the greatest of these is love.

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