Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It is finished!

Well, another assignment just finished. I really love this electronic submission thing they have happening now.

I submitted it 4 minutes late though - at 12:03am instead of 11:50pm - so I don't know if I will be considered as having submitted it a day late? Truth be told, it was having to insert their assignment cover sheet into my document, and then all that formatting going haywire that set me back a good 15 minutes so fingers are crossed that I won't lose marks....


Steffany said...

Yet again - Steff congratulates herself for choosing Not to study this year..

Smart move on my part..

Poor Ruth :( I hope it wasn't a day later.

william said...

I can write you a note?

Anonymous said...

Yes...congratulations Steff. I hope the mind numbing work for the real estate agent is satisyfing. :P:P

Steffany said...

Shoosh now.. Of course it is..

At least I'm being paid to do mind numbing work.. You're the one paying big dollars to learn.

Think about that hey..

Anonymous said...

cough$20anhourcough :)

jeremyf said...

i finished my biology assignment. now on to my modern history assignment about nazism. nothing beats following field reports with fascism.