Saturday, May 27, 2006

'Gay-friendly' child care slammed - Top stories - Breaking News 24/7 -

The article below is insightful in the flawed thinking so many people have.

The idea that young children, from six weeks old, are intentionally being influenced so as to accept unquestioningly the premise that same sex relationships are 'good' is abhorrent.

For all the fuss about not being discriminatory, do people fail to recognise that what is happening here IS discrimination - against people who teach their children than same sex relationships are not good.

(And I notice the resources used to do this are government funded. Can you imagine if a non-profit group with a Christian wordview used government funds to produce books which promoted the Christian view on family?)

What this centre is doing is the classic passive aggresive tactic used. I won't explicitly say that the Christian worldview is wrong, I will just promote another philosophy that cannot co-exist with a Christian worldview. If I say same-sex sexual relationships are good, then the Christian view that says they are not obviously wrong.

So please, Mr Marrickville Mayor - don't even try to play the "Christians are discriminating" card - cause you just show you are either deceived, deceptive, or ignorant.

'Gay-friendly' child care slammed - Top stories - Breaking News 24/7 -

1 comment:

william said...

"...I will just promote another philosophy that cannot co-exist with a Christian worldview."

true, tis true and happening in all spectrums of society