Monday, December 14, 2009

The greatest moral issue of our time?

Tim Costello was quoted in The Australian today, criticizing Tony Abbott’s stance on the ETS and was reported to have said from Copenhagen, "Tony Abbot is out on his own, there are 194 countries here and they all see it as the greatest moral issue of our time. Tony Abbott is singing solo". Full article here:

Greatest moral issue of our time.....really Mr Costello?

The greatest moral issue isn’t the thousands of children dying each day from preventable diseases?
It’s not the tens of thousands of children being aborted every day?
It’s not the internal displacement, civil war and humanitarian crisis’ in places like Sudan, the DR Congo or Zimbabwe?
It’s not the 2-4 million people who are victims of human trafficking every year?

I would have hoped that Mr Costello, as the CEO of an aid organisation, would have tempered his comments somewhat. Yes, the wanton waste and destruction of our environment, of which we have been charged with stewarding, is a serious issue. EQUALLY so however is the way we treat our fellow man.

Imagine if the same the time, energy, finance, political will and media exposure which is currently afforded the Copenhagen conference, was given to help stop human trafficking, or simply to provide clean drinking water to the world?

If 194 countries see the greatest moral issue of our time as cutting carbon emissions, then there is little wonder that human trafficking still exists today.

1 comment:

Essay said...

Thank you for sharing, I like it worth reading.