Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Popping into Woolworths around 8:30pm tonight, I was hurrying to get a few things on my way home.

As I walked in, I glanced at a little willy wagtail bird which had flown down to the tiled area and was hopping around.

But I did a little more than a quick glance – I lingered. I looked at this bird just a little bit longer than usual (only 5 seconds really) and as I took that extra moment, I realised afresh just how intricately and beautifully God had created it. And I was grateful to my awesome God.

Who would have thought that when rushing into the supermarket, a few moments of lingering could have created a worship moment...

Be still and know.


Anonymous said...

Good to see the posts becoming a little more regular. :)

Amanda said...

I watched a mama and a baby magpie once at the station, I was smiling and enjoying their antics, until the mama flew away and then the baby flew into the path of the train...splat...then the mama bird flew back and looked around for her baby...*sniffle*

I no longer partake in bird watching!

Anonymous said...

people are reading. people want more. please the crowd ruth. keep blogging!