Monday, October 27, 2008

From Lisa Bevere

I was listening to a Lisa Bevere podcast the other day while painting and she was talking about the importance of realising that
we live not just for ourselves. She related a question God asked her...

"What will the next generation inherit from you? My promises, or your fears?"



william said...

what, pray ruth, were you painting? is this a hidden talent you are subtley letting out of the box - or renovating again??

Steffany said...

She is renovating.
I thought that too when I read the post.. like.. Woah.. who knew Ruth could like paint and stuff?
But then I remembered I've actually the renovation.. and I do recall paint. Hehe

Anonymous said...

ah yes - house painting.
it made me sound quite arty and talented hey. sadly though, not so...

Amanda said...

Lisa Bevere for President!