Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mark Mittleberg

We have a crisis of faith. It's not that people have faith - they have many faiths - but they don't know how to think about

How people process and evaluate faiths determines how they choose.

6 Faith Paths
1. Relativistic faith path
Where most people are.
Something becomes true because they believe it. ..... So at the same time, God does exist for a Christian yet doesn't exist
because of an athiest?

However, truth is simply what is.
The key to life is to discover what is true and then to adjust your life accordingly.

2. The traditional path
I have always believed this - a hand me down faith

3. Authoritative path
You better believe this.
Authorities are only as good as their credentials

4. The intuitive faith path
I can just feel it....

5. The mystic faith path
"God told me" what is true

6. The evidentiary faith path
Is there evidence to this system of thought being correct?


Nick Starrenburg said...

Well Ruth, an amazing collection of summaries. A great experience.

@wpaul said...

What I find interesting about 3 is that appeals to authority only work if someone accepts that authority (remember as a child when a friend said you couldn't do something because his dad said you couldn't? Why care what his dad said, your dad is the one you trust!). So, if I don't accept that authority (i.e. I'm an unbeliever) then why should I come to believe on the basis of that authority?

Also, concerning 6, I do think there is evidence of this working. It's not so much a "This evidence makes me believe" process as a "This evidence helps remove some of my doubts, and helps me more easily respond to the Holy Spirit."

Good post, I like your very quick summary of each, something I tend to not be able to do!