Saturday, April 28, 2007

Beautiful teas

I went to a great place last night with some girls. Called Batavia, it is a tea and coffee place that is modelled on the style of the East Indies.

Being a lover of coffee, I surprised myself at how taken I was with a type of tea they had - I even bought the take home bag and am drinking my way through it today as I do my assignment! It is called something like - a watergarden tea, and is white tea, wrapped tightly around a flower in a ball. When you pour hot water over it, it slowly blooms - quite amazing!

Anyway, I have been deciding whether to continue this blog as my postings have slowed down considerably. I'm still deciding....


Sarah Starrenburg said...

Keep posting, my in-actuality-quite-prompt sister!!

I've even been inspired to revive mine after hearing James Mac talk about his - you can't stop now:)

Nick Starrenburg said...

Your Mum wants to keep reading it!