Friday, January 05, 2007

Currently lost for words....

Just read this article.... it'sabout a young disabled girl who has been 'frozen in time' by her parents.

What do you think?


kathryn said...

Thanks to the parents, Ashley isn't really as God made her any more is she??

It disturbs and sickens me to know that someone could even attempt to justify these actions of hurting a poor, innocent little girl.

And the 'ethics' committee... I think they need to have a stern hard look at themselves also...

Anonymous said...

these actions aren't actually 'hurting' the poor little girl in the physical way that you suppose, physically she will be able to function much greater, and be in less pain.

I am less inclined to criticise the parents who care so dearly for their daughter that they would want her to have the best standard of life.

Hazel Marie said...

What do I think? one word - INHUMANE

kathryn said...

I'm not convinced that the little girl is even aware of what is going on around her. If that is the case is it really the 'best standard of life for her' or merely just more convenient for the parents?

Anonymous said...

but surely we have no right to criticise the parents, because with the information we have received from the parents, they ARE aiming to give their daughter the best standard of life.