Thursday, July 20, 2006

More on gym stuff...

First up, kudos to the Professor - if that poster idea is not under copyright - you should so release it! You'd make a fortune! (I would buy one!)

On the 'which church service is more aerobically fruitful discussion' from previous comments, I was reading in the Readers Digest the other day about the 50 habits of thin people - things you can add into your life that help burn calories. They said that if you go to belt out some songs at Church on a Sunday you burn over 250 calories! (And I bet that wasn't even a contemporary church service either...!) I lead the last two Sunday nights in a row so that dress is looking more manageable all the time...

btw, I was sore the next day.. and the day after that..

And went back tonight so may be again tomorrow!


Nick Starrenburg said...

Great sermon woofy

william said...


hahahaha nice one :D

but yes great sermon, but please don't look my way when you preach, 'cause then i feel like I have to behave and listen etc... ;)