Monday, February 25, 2008

A public health problem

Another report has come out today in The Australian about the state of the teenage drinking problems we have here in Australia. Levels of dangerous drinking are higher than previously thought. 1 in 5 16 and 17 year olds binge drink weekly.

It's a really interesting predicament with a complex and layered causal effect.
A link which is not discussed often, but which has been observed by paramedics and youth workers, is the changing nature of the 'alcohol environment'. In just the last 5 years, young people have moved away from drinking beer and wine and now drink spirits and mixers, particularly alcopops - premixed in bottles or cans. These are highly alcoholic yet don't taste like alcohol.

With the higher alcohol content in these products young people get drunk more quickly. They are also more likely to become violent as they end up highly intoxicated yet have consumed less overall liquid and so are not 'weighed down' by the quantity they have consumed.

One wonders - particularly with the marketing campaigns targeting youth drinkers - whether these products should be the subject of conversation.

Monday, February 11, 2008


We have our young adults formal soon and It's got me thinking about the power of community.

There is something about the 'one another' that is almost indefinable yet infinitely important.
Simply put - we need each other.
And we really need each other as part of the community of faith.
While we like to think we'll be fine by ourselves, separation from fellow journeyers in the Kingsom leads to a slow death - almost imperceptible as it occurs, but occurring nonetheless.
Such interdependency is the ultimate antidote to pride and the greatest challenge to individualism.

Life is ultimately also way more fun when traveled in the company of others!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Tagged from James Mac

So James just tagged me - I have to get the nearest book, turn to page 123 and reprise the sixth, seventh and eighth sentence.

Here we go!

Bonhoeffer's consecrated life is a model for us all - a total giving of self to Christ. Most of us will not be tested in this way, but he has set the standard for us. Now, of course, this consecration doesn't happen all at once - "The Faith" Charles Colson

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Brilliant stuff!
