Monday, January 30, 2006

I forgot...

...that studying for economics exams makes you want to do MORE blogging.
I am now up to date with all my friends who blog - even if Linus' recent attempt can only JUST be called an update.

And in big news just in, I am currently eating my first chocolate easter bunny (love biting those ears off!) of the season (thanks to the generous purchase by my great husband)!

A quick recap

I have been away at our leaders retreat, which was a great few days of planning, worshipping, seeking God, and hearing from Him.

Hence the lack of blogging.

Now after shooting off various emails for things that need to be set in motion, I am preparing to study for my economic exam which is in two days. So I probably won't blog much between now and Wednesday morning! On a positive note, I just got my results back from the awful economic assignment that kept me up till 3am a few weeks ago - 78%. (Thanks to Dad for the access to those reference materials) So that's all good.

What words of wisdom am I sharing today? Don't do Summer semester! So short and quick and so much else happening in life at the same time! Oh well, at least it's nearly over !!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I want to be an extremist too!

"... though I was initially disappointed at being categorized as an extremist, as I continued to think about the matter I gradually gained a measure of satisfaction from the label ... In that dramatic scene on Calvary's hill three men were crucified. We must never forget that all three were crucified for the same crime - the crime of extremism. Two were extremists for immorality and thus fell below their environment. The other, Jesus Christ, was an extremist for love, truth, and goodness and thereby rose above his environment. Perhaps the South, the nation, and the world are in dire need of creative extremists." - Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


One tiny little thing that isn't installed on my computer and a whole night's opportunity to get a chunk of my assignment done wasted. It's just one small wizard in Access that allows me to determine what type of data mask gets entered in (how the data is formatted basically).

It's not installed. (boo hoo) I found my Office CD. (yay!) Windows installer can't seem to locate this small installation package (boo hoo).

Stupid Microsoft!

Isn't it amazing how leaving little things unattended to can cause a huge roadblock for us - hm, there's a sermon in that!

Monday, January 16, 2006

A momentous day

Well today the greatest guy in the world turned 30!

I was also given the news that I definitely have to have 3 wisdom teeth removed. (Apparently the 4th one just never appeared!) I must say, while I have some trepidation - being someone who really prefers to avoid pain and discomfort - it is also a relief as I have been getting terrible headaches from them.

Big computer assignment due next Wednesday, which means one of two things for this blog. Either I will write nothing - or, I will procrasitinate a lot and will write many little irrelevant posts. I am also glad this is the only time I ever have to do two subjects in summer semester. See - there is ALWAYS a reason to be thankful!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Lies That Go Unchallenged-Free PowerPoint

Lies That Go Unchallenged-Free PowerPoint:
Rights of the Individual
Lie #1: We have the freedom of choice to be who we want and to do what we want.

Marriage and the Family
Lie #2: Marriage can be between any two people, and it lasts only as long as both are happy.

Society and Toleration
Lie #3: We’ll live in harmony if we tolerate the beliefs of others.

The Arts
Lie #4: Art should break traditional norms and challenge outworn beliefs.

Christians in Culture
Lie #5: Christian beliefs are a private matter.

The Media
Lie #6: Entertainment is a vehicle to help us fulfill personal desires.

Spirituality in Culture
Lie #7: God accepts us as we are, and there are many ways to him."

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sitting at my kitchen table...

a computer in front of me
Textbooks to my left
a nearly empty ice-cream container on my right
sherbet lemon lollies to the top right of the table

ah, economics assignments :-)

Not that this would ever happen to you

Bumper Sticker Hypocrisy

A police officer pulled a driver aside and asked for his license and registration. "What's wrong, officer?" the driver asked. "I didn't go through any red lights, and I certainly wasn't speeding."

"No, you weren't," said the officer, "but I saw you waving your fist as you swerved around the lady driving in the left lane, and I further observed your flushed and angry face as you shouted at the driver of the Hummer who cut you off, and how you pounded your steering wheel when the traffic came to a stop near the bridge."

"Is that a crime, officer?"

"No, but when I saw the 'Jesus loves you and so do I' bumper sticker on the car, I figured this car had to be stolen."

Citation: Adapted from Homiletics magazine (May 2004); submitted by Gino Grunberg, Gig Harbor, Washington.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Crisis averted

Well my Vaio was terminally ill. After slipping into unconsciousness Thursday night, it never recovered and I bade it a sad farewell on Friday, with not a little consternation as to how we were going to solve this small problem.

And then......

an angel rang me and said that they wanted to buy my a new laptop....!

It is a seriously cute 12.1" Asus (and I can just hear all the guys cringing at my description of this piece of technolocgy as cut but hey - it is!) and after an early hiccup with the wireless, it is performing exceptionally well.

So now I am about to begin my economics assignment. At least I have a cute computer to work on!

A very, very big thank you to my angel...... :-)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A small crisis

My relatively new (second-hand) seriously cute 12" Vaio has just decided to not start.

I turned it off at work, took it home, had dinner and went to turn it on - and nothing. Stephen looked at it, pulled batteries out, poked and prodded and nothing.

Normally this would be rather annoying. However, it is rather troubling as I have a sermon to prepare for Sunday as well as a major assignment due next week which I was due to start tonight.

So if you read this, please pray that this situtaion resolves itself and I don't have to send it away!